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Where did the weekend go?

Well for anyone paying attention I did not log my second official weigh in on Sunday…  Why?

Simply put I got distracted.  This happens every now and then and I used to get upset about all the things I had not done, or had forgotten about doing in this case.  Much moreso no I shrug and say “oh well”.  Was it critical that I weigh myself on Sunday? No.  It was something I was aiming for but as can happen I got involved with doing something else.

I think this would be what you call “living in the moment” I saw something I wanted to do and did it.  Is there any simpler definition?  Whilst my efforts were not strictly focussed on anything spiritual or spectacular but just simply the ongoing decluttering.  This was both in the physical sense and in the sense of the vast amounts of data housed inside my computers.  In so doing I had some more wondeful trips down memory lane, as I have had with my ongoing photo project.

Resulting from these efforts I have found data I had though to be lost, consolidated the data I still need to review into one location and also almost have a lounge area that would be suitable for people to “drop by”.  My aims had been high to accomplish extra things for work this weekend as I had some tasks to perform remotely, sadly these too fell by the wayside whilst I was consumed in my single minded tidy fest.  Nevertheless all things are moving forward.